Thursday, September 25, 2014

Read On

I love ninth grade (No teacher of mine tormented or tortured me to write that). Upgrading from 8th grade to 9th grade is just like hopping from iOS 6 to iOS 7, from CRT to LED TV, from Windows XP to Windows 8, from…. Well you get the idea.
The phrase ” Bhai ,abhi bohut time hain” ( Bro, we have a lot of time) is no longer in use. Now we have to understand all our subjects.  What about the good old days when we could mug up all  the lessons? The students who were totally cramming champions are now like ….’ DUDE! WHAT THE HELL? 45 PAGES? YOU GOTTA BE KIDDING ME!’ Bad for them. Surprisingly, the number of students praying to God has now increased. Before, students were like ….’ God? Praying? Nope. I got other things to do’. Now they promise to make all sorts of weird offerings  to God  like … ‘ God , if you handle my Physics, I will handle your food. What about ladoos?’.  Ladoos are better off staying in your stomach than any place else. Taking a glance at our exams syllabus makes me lose hope…. and mutter curses to almost everything that comes in my way. Leisure time no longer gives any pleasure. For a second you’d be enjoying playing FIFA 14 and the next instant your mother would be chasing you around the house, withchappals in her hands, just because you were 2 marks short of 100%.
Everything in Science gets interesting……. except Biology and Chemistry, and a bit of Physics.
Maths is awesome. Get prepared to get marks lower than the room temperature.
English is good. You lose marks because of not writing enough, for a 2 marker, even after writing 10-15 lines about the romance of some weird character. Beware! Never try to understand poems. This stunt can only be performed by professionals.
Social Science is as easy as trying to breathe with your nose blocked. Economics is the part where most of the students pay attention… because it is about money after all. History wouldn’t confuse you with the dates this time, because the details are specially assigned for this purpose. Civics will entertain equality,  rights of various people, right to life etc. which are the guiding values of the Indian Constitution. In short, Civics will explain what you have been learning for the past 3-4 years.Geography is a balanced subject. It is 20% whining, 10% cursing, 30% crying and 40% staying blank.
Computer Science. Ever seen one of those fat to fit ads? Our Computer science book has experienced that… reverse.The amount of detail in my Comp. Sc. book is enough to affect the functioning of my brain.
French. It gets awesome. Award me full marks if this sentence is wrong- Je ne parle pa francais bienne.
For the end, I would like to say that nothing goes as planned in 9th Grade. Don’t worry! You’ll pass this grade. Well, at least that is the plan.
The views expressed by the author are personal and don’t intend to hurt any teacher or school.

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